Our Board of Directors

  • James Shank - Vice President

    James currently serves as our Vice President of Global Missions.

    With a B.S. from BIOLA University, as well as both an MDiv and ThM from Liberty University, (and currently working towards a PhD in Biblical Exposition), James is passionate about accurate Biblical exegesis and seeing young minds transformed by the power of God’s Word.

    He is Married to Beth, and has four children.

  • Heather Hoad - CFO/Secretary

    Gifted in Administration and Helps, Heather is passionate about making sure the E2Ten Mission adheres to transparent and clean bookkeeping and practices.

    Heather worked as the assistant to the Controller of a southern California industrial manufacturer, helping to record the company’s accounting, primarily responsible for client accounts and reconciling inaccuracies in the company’s financial records.

  • John Slope - Board Member

    A successful businessman in the Fullerton, CA area for over 40 years, John serves his church’s finance committee and leadership.

    He is gifted in stewardship, discernment, and faith. John’s wisdom and leadership helps to provide our Board of Directors with sound vision and clear understanding from the Lord.
    He has been married to Patty for 35 years. They have four adult children — and three grandchildren!

  • Jessica Miller - Board Member

    A skilled educator and dedicated disciple-maker, Jessica leans upon God’s Word in every aspect of life to enlighten, enrich, and teach her students in the classroom.

    She possess the critical ability to Contextualize the Gospel to everyone’s circumstance, allowing them to discover their true potential in God’s kingdom.

    Jessica gives our board wisdom and vision for kingdom expansion as well as development of discipleship curriculum.

  • David Miller - Board Member

    David came to faith in Christ while attending San Francisco State University in the 90s. An open air-preacher and street evangelist, David pastors a church in Highland, CA that reaches his community for the glory of Christ.

    David is passionate about healthy house fellowships, community discipleship, and the vulnerable church — as well as Bayern Munich and Pittsburgh Steelers Football. He is married to Jessica. They have four children.

  • Tyler Hoad - e2Ten President - Discipleship & Curriculum Creator

    Tyler’s passion is helping people to discover their spiritual gifts and live out who God created them to be!

    A workplace disciple-maker for over 25 years in international business, he loves to help people realize how they are “created anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. ” (Ephesians 2:10)

    With a desire to see communities transformed through Biblical education and leadership development among the world’s most vulnerable and at-risk youth, Tyler co-founded E2Ten Mission with his wife Heather in February 2021.